Empowering those with chronic symptoms
through lifestyle and behavioral coaching

I am here to guide you on your health journey

Fatigued, in pain, dealing with chronic health conditions, overwhelmed… and you are not quite sure where to start or how to navigate all your options to manage your symptoms: 

I am here for you. I know how you feel, I have been there.  

Most of the chronic illnesses are driven by our behavior and environment, not our genes. That means we all have the opportunity to prevent or reverse chronic conditions by adopting healthy lifestyle habits and focusing on what we can control.

Taking ownership of our health is, however, not always easy. With so much conflicting information and so many environmental and external stressors, it is normal to feel lost.

You don’t have to go through it alone.
Let me guide you and be part of your care team.


Hi, I’m Lana.

  • Board-Certified Functional Health Coach

  • Life-long athlete

  • Autoimmune disease warrior (Ankylosing Spondylitis)

  • Health enthusiast and empath who can coach in English, German, or French

Supporting your path to a healthier you

1:1 Health Coaching

For autoimmune conditions, burnout and performance.

DNA Health Test

Learn about your genetic code to personalize your
lifestyle interventions.

Ankylosing Spondylitis

Coaching programs for AS warriors.

Corporate Coaching

Support for employees’ health and performance.

“Health coaching addresses lasting lifestyle changes. A healthy lifestyle not only changes your body, it changes your mind, your attitude, and your mood.”

  • “I came to Lana defeated and needing guidance and support to work through my health issues and get answers to why I was struggling. Together we made a plan to cultivate a healthy, and sustainable lifestyle focusing on all aspects of my health- mental, nutritional, physical, and emotional. With Lana’s help and accountability, this lifestyle is one that I feel confident continuing to pursue on my own. She gave me tools to be successful and a safe space to express my thoughts and concerns. I have a clearer and more well-rounded approach to my health now because of Lana's coaching. I am immensely grateful."

    — Lauren, USA

  • "Lana was recommended to me by a close friend as I was in need of some guidance. Mostly to do with healthy eating and weight loss. Since we began working together there have been so many big changes in my life. A less stressful job, losing nearly 3 stone, which in turn helped my PCOS symptoms regulating my periods which lead me to become pregnant, a goal of mine for 8 years! Lana made the whole process seem so achievable with a wonderful calming and positive attitude, plus having accountability to another person was huge for me.”

    — Kat, UK

  • “I was slightly nervous to start the programme but straight away, Lana created a safe space which put me at ease. Her warmth and professionalism is engaging and I would recommend Lana to anyone who needs a gentle push to a healthier mindset. Personally, I have experienced personal growth from our sessions and for that, I am grateful".

    — Laura, UK

  • "After experiencing constant frustration with doctors who dismissed my autoimmune symptoms as “normal”, I realized conventional medicine wasn’t enough to keep my ulcerative colitis in remission. Through Lana’s coaching, she reaffirmed that I wasn’t alone in my frustration. Beyond just focusing on diet and supplements, Lana helped me understand that movement, spirituality, creativity, and stress management are fundamental to my overall healing. Focusing on these other areas has made me more fully aware that I am not defined by this illness. I realized that what I needed was to develop a practice of shifting my mindset. Thanks to Lana’s guidance, I’ve gotten better at advocating for myself. Now when I’m interacting with doctors, I come prepared with questions and use a more collaborative communication style that has helped me navigate a path forward in my health journey."

    — Jenna, USA

  • “Je suis très satisfaite de l'accompagnement de Lana. Elle a su m'aider avec douceur et patience afin d'améliorer ma qualité de vie qui était embêtée par des douleurs chroniques et donc un stress quotidien. Elle a pu me guider sur les différentes analyses à faire et sur les bonnes pratiques quotidiennes, qui me permettent aujourd'hui encore d'atténuer mes douleurs et trouver de l'apaisement. Son travail très complet a été autant sur les analyses, que l'alimentation, la gestion du stress ou de la mobilité du corps par exemple. Je la remercie sincèrement et vous recommande chaudement son coaching.”

    — Solène, France

  • "Lana m'a été d'un très grand soutien ces derniers mois. Elle m'a permis d'accepter ma condition physique avec beaucoup de bienveillance et de compassion envers moi-même. Grâce à son accompagnement, je suis désormais capable de mieux accueillir et gérer les émotions qui me traversent. Et j'ai également appris à faire confiance en mes capacités et à cultiver la patience. A travers une approche intégrative et fonctionnelle, Lana a su me conseiller pour que je puisse devenir acteur de ma santé et apporter à mon corps et à mon esprit ce dont ils ont besoin. Son enseignements et ses bons conseils m'ont notamment permis de revoir mes habitudes de vie et mon alimentation, de mieux gérer mon stress au quotidien, de m'écouter d'avantage, de ralentir quand nécessaire, et d'adapter mon mouvement à mon énergie et à mes besoins. Aujourd'hui, je me sens beaucoup mieux physiquement et psychologiquement. Mes progrès sont notables. J'ai retrouvé de l'énergie et beaucoup de joie de vivre et de sérénité. Mon parcours de remise en forme est encore long, mais aux côtés de Lana je me sens en confiance et prête pour les nouveaux défis qui m'attendent. Un grand merci Lana pour la qualité de ton accompagnement et pour tes grandes qualités humaines!"

    — Marion, France

  • Lana has been instrumental in helping me get back to a state of well being and frankly, as I see it, a fulfilling life. Part coach, part healer — Lana possesses all the skills I needed in someone to help me put all the pieces together, guide me through the haze of disease and pain and realize what makes me, me again. The roadmap forward has been invaluable. Can’t thank you enough.

    — Annalisa, USA

Find out if health coaching is right for you.